No, I’ll pay


Will someone just pay for the goddamn toy chicken already!!

Credits: GifGif via Ivana Ljupša, GIFs Community and Facebook

Hammers: Infinitely hot!



Even the hammer wielding Norse god of thunder can have his slip-up moments.

Credits: Marvel Studios via Ilario (úquen), Animated Gif and Google+

Gollum’s road rage



You tailgates me, precioussss?… Gollum nots like annoying motorbike ridersessss…

Credits: GifGifMagazine via Sanjay Dhingra, GIFs Community and Facebook

Inspector Subramaniam – Banana Cop



This intrepid, if goofy-looking Indian policeman can turn even the humble Chiquita Costa Rica banana into a lethal weapon. Criminals of India, pray to God this cop never gets his hands on a star fruit!

Credits: YouTube GB via GIPHYMuhammed Shaaban, GIFs Community and Facebook