Clouds – sunset, water, lake, waves – living things


Watching the sunset as the waves lap gently around your toes, the beach draped in various shades of reds, oranges and purples – appreciate the good things around you and always be happy.

Credits: Living Stills via Floris Kloet, Ello, Veen Sake, Gif and Pinterest

Down the Coastal Road


When driving in the tropics, there’s two things that really lighten up the travel. Palm trees and spectacular sunsets.

Credits: C y b r S i n s and Tumblr via Mauricio Triviño, Sin buen net and Pinterest

Sunset funset



Remembering all those amazing sunsets I saw during my recent holiday in Mauritius. Still have that ‘holiday hangover’ just thinking about it. The sunset in the GIF above was captured at California’s Salton Sea.

Credits: ToolBee and CHEEZburger Memebase via Cheezburger and GIPHY

A romantic beach walk


“Endless ocean, blue water, dreamy sky, tranquil beach, love in the air, mind fly high.”

Credits: Via Azette Jbh, 💖 GIFS / IMAGES ANIMÉES 💖 and Google+, goodreads

A good night’s breezes


From plants that wake when others sleep, from timid jasmine buds that keep their odour to themselves all day, but when the sunlight dies away let the delicious secret out to every breeze that roams about. Thomas Moore

Credits: utpal shah, Beautiful GIFS and Google+, BrainyQuote

Way to the Rainbow Valley


Watch out for leprechaun highwaymen after your pot of gold… and impromptu Elton John performances. Might be even worse.

Credits: tshering-tamang and steemit beta via Tshering Tamang, Steem Posts and Pinterest

My land of dreamy unicorns



A pleasant land of dreaming unicorns, cute angels and endless love, forever bathed in the sunshine of happiness.

Credits: blackwidow47 and Photobucket via Randy Halliday, I love Heartfelf gif and Facebook

Kidmograph book of GIFs


A GIF I made in April 2018 of a book cover with a moving image of roadside palm tree in a sunset. The design pays homage to the Argentinian graphic designer and GIF artist, Gustavo Torres a.k.a. Kidmograph, who is one of my icons.

Credits: Kidmograph, Tumblr, Vijay Shah, Blingee and Amazon

Waiting on my desert island


“But every tomorrow has led to today— to us being alone, hungry, and cold on an unknown island somewhere in the South Pacific.”
― Jennifer Arnett, Day One: A Novella

Credits: KOTUTOHUM and Tumblr via velovories, V A P O R W A V E and Pinterest, goodreads