Down the Coastal Road


When driving in the tropics, there’s two things that really lighten up the travel. Palm trees and spectacular sunsets.

Credits: C y b r S i n s and Tumblr via Mauricio Triviño, Sin buen net and Pinterest

Waiting on my desert island


“But every tomorrow has led to today— to us being alone, hungry, and cold on an unknown island somewhere in the South Pacific.”
― Jennifer Arnett, Day One: A Novella

Credits: KOTUTOHUM and Tumblr via velovories, V A P O R W A V E and Pinterest, goodreads

Virtual Reality Resort


Get away from it all and unwind on a sunny pixellated beach somewhere with our patented VRR technology. No need to even leave your home, just plugin and play.

Credits: KILLER-ANGEL123 and Tumblr via Lavinia ., Neo Tropica and Pinterest