Well, hug a goose


The love of an animal is like no other. So head to your nearest farm and get acquainted with some new friends (especially of the goosey kind).

Credits: GIPHY via Gifng, Alexander Smith, GIFs Community and Facebook

Bluebells bloom



The reality of this picture would be extreme sneezing and puffy eyes for days and days and days. That is, if you’re a hayfever sufferer. For those of us who aren’t plagued by this insufferable allergy, this is a beautiful blue and purple-tinged heaven of adorable spring bluebells, a haven of relaxation and tranquility.

Credits: Willpin and imgur via reddit r/Cinemagraphs, still_human

Remembrance Sunday 1918-2018



They shall grow not old
as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them
nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun
and in the morning,
We shall remember them.

Credits: Laurence Binyon, askIdeas

Happy 9th birthday Shani!


Wishing my darling niece Shaniya a very happy and fun 9th birthday today. She loves My Little Pony and dancing strangely lol

Credits: Three, Three UK and YouTube GB via imgur, Robert Farmer, Angel D.,The GIF Zone… and Google+