The waiting game


“On vient à bout de ses desseins avec la patience.”
Proverbe oriental

“One overcomes one’s plans with patience.”
Oriental proverb

Credits: A Faerytale Life and Tumblr via Fidjie Fidjie, Gifs Animés: art ,humour,animaux and Google+

Cats at rest


“Il ne faut pas réveiller le chat qui dort 🤗

“Do not wake the sleeping cat 🤗

Credits: Hallmark eCards via Hallmark eCards, GIPHY, Fidjie Fidjie, Gifs Animés: art ,humour,animaux… and Google+

Rain on kitty



“I think that the world should be full of cats and full of rain, that’s all, just cats and rain, rain and cats, very nice…” – Charles Bukowski

Credits: Marko via marko, GIPHY, Raghuram D, Illusion and Pinterest, goodreads