Snores galores


Do you know someone who is so boring, you’d rather spend a whole day watching paint dry, then survive even five minutes with them ? Send ’em this GIF and let them know they drain your spirit and will to live.

Credits: truTV/Turner International via truTV’s Hack My Life and GIPHY


Lemat’s Future Meteors


Every time a meteor comes close to the earth, we all think about the end of the world – but our internal soundtrack doesn’t turn off. We’re also thinking about pizza or passing a slow tractor or making a turn, and for a magical instant, our lives seem to be in conversation with the stars.
Elif Batuman

Credits: LEMAT WORKS and Tumblr via Linda Rathe, Animated Pictures and Pinterest, BrainyQuote

Me hundo hasta el fondo y me elevo hasta la cima



And then I rise to the tops of the clouds, to spark lightning and dance with hailstones.

Credits: nuggetsonmymouth and Tumblr via Sonia Harel, Gif and Pinterest

The United States of Mind



Home of the thinkers, land of the sane.

Credits: სამსარა and Tumblr via Kathleen Webster, Gifs and Pinterest

Enhanced contact


Perhaps one day we’ll make contact with an advanced extraterrestrial civilisation that will revolutionise humanity and the world in ways we can’t begin to fathom.

Credits: Void Design and Tumblr via Louie Campbell, Trippy S**t and Pinterest