Surfing the net


Waves and waves of cat videos and emails. The life of the modern internet surfer. Come to think of it, does anyone say they ‘surf’ the internet these days?

Credits: XFINITY and Tumblr via GIPHY

Me hundo hasta el fondo y me elevo hasta la cima



And then I rise to the tops of the clouds, to spark lightning and dance with hailstones.

Credits: nuggetsonmymouth and Tumblr via Sonia Harel, Gif and Pinterest

Flaming good read


That warm feeling you get when your first novel gets loads of rave reviews on Amazon.

Credits: Julien Magic and Instagram via GifGif, Milorad Vidojevic, GIFs Community and Facebook


The hipster who thought he was a narwhal



Because being a unicorn just isn’t cool now all the normal types have hijacked the bandwagon. Also this ‘horn hairstyle’ is great for getting some breathing space in a packed train carriage.

Credits: GifGif via Sanjay Dheengra, GIFs Community and Facebook

Filter coffee please!


A hipster artist’s fortitude, and his fuel for creativity and long sleepless nights thinking through ideas. A coffee drinking self-portrait by Monterey, Mexico-based illustrator and motion graphics artist Natt Rocha.

Credits: Natt Rocha (Behance) via Natt Rocha and Giphy