Codey IV: Tundra Terror


Want to create your own animated game? You can create a game as beautiful as Tundra Terror with our Learn Game Development with Phaser course. We just released two new lessons this week that hone in on programming animation and camera effects into your games.

Animating game characters (also known as “sprites”) are key to adding an extra layer of visual vibrance to your game. Our new lesson on camera effects will teach you visual tricks like fadeout, camera shake, and much more. By the end of the course, you’ll be able to design and program an equally delightful game like Codey IV: Tundra Terror.

Credits: Codecademy via GMail

The Alcatraz kitten


This ninja kitten makes a unnoticed getaway, leaving the little girl wondering if she’s getting taken for a mug this Christmas.

Credits: Animated GIFs via Lale Omanovic, Best Fun and Facebook

Vijay’s classic GIFs 2007-2011 – 6


Super Mario, the Italian plumber who has a love of gold rings, dinosaurs and rescuing abducted minor royalty, meets his match in a rather humble, but ruthlessly efficient ninja assassin. Another gem from my classic GIFs collection.

Contains cartoon violence and gore. I love Mario really.

GIF: snakevsmarioaj6os3ai8                                                                         DATE: 01/05/2007

Credits: From the author’s personal GIFs collection

Cat ninja roll


A cat grabs its leg and rolls off a couch.

Be careful, soon you’ll be seeing quick black shadows darting about the kitchen and fish dishes mysteriously going missing…although judging from this kitteh’s clumsy channeling of Jet Li…that won’t be happening any time soon.
Credits: via Facebook