A slice of birthday cake



Yesterday, my niece Maliyah has her second 1st birthday party. Her cake was this massive chocolate cake with lace patterned icing, white and thick. Adorning the top was a pair of cute little pink Converse trainers, made entirely from icing, plus a number 1 also in pink icing. It was the first time I tucked into a chocolate cake with icing!

Credits: spacemanmelonfarmer via GifCities and Internet Archive

Raspberry-topped treats


Après les crêpes d’hier , un gâteau pour accompagner thé ou café ☕🤗🍵
#artwork #Cinemagraph

After the pancakes yesterday, a cake to accompany tea or coffee ☕🤗🍵
#artwork #Cinemagraph


Credits: Life in Indiana and Tumblr via Fidjie Fidjie, Gifs Animés: art ,humour,animaux… and Google+

My 34th birthday


On Thursday, 4th of October, 1984, your boy from Gifville made his grand entrance. 34 years later, we dine on cake in heaven. No, don’t worry, I haven’t died, but every birthday should feel like a taste of heaven.

Credits: Pusheen the cat via Hey Chickadee, Hey Chickadee, 🌺Lily Ariah🌺 , Pusheen! ❤ and Pinterest

Class gives poor boy a smartphone ❤



A student’s class celebrates his birthday. Coming from a poor family, the boy receives a gift that is beyond his wildest dreams. His reaction is quite moving. Money and expensive things aren’t everything, but the love of your friends is priceless.

Credits: GifGifMagazine via Ivana Ljupša, GIFs Community and Facebook

That sweet, sweet cake


It’s not my birthday today, but I still got some sweet, sweet rainbow cake. Yes, I’m on a diet, but I’m at the office and a colleague left a box of cake (with a large slice still left) in the kitchen, and I couldn’t resist.

Credits: mygrandmajackie via GifCities and Internet Archive

Happy 26th birthday, Azzy


Birthday wishes today for my little bro Azzy (Aslam), who turns 26. Don’t worry, I’ll get you back for all the times you challenged me to those wrestling matches.

Credits: URLBaron via cynthia chladek, aZ and Pinterest

The colour-changing rainbow cake


A really cool rainbow cake made by YouTube baker CharlotteSometimes. Turn the cake around and thanks to some amazing colour work on the icing, the cake appears to change colour as it spins. This post is dedicated to my colleague Olha, whose mum and daughter make great cakes.

Credits: CharlotteSometimes and YouTube GB via Anna Grangert and MY MODERN MET