

When you see the accounts manager midway baring his naked backside on the photocopier.

Credits: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Fans and Twitter via Crazy Ex-GIFs (brought to you by @bunch_of_fans) and GIPHY

Hostile Planet: Grasslands


GIFs repository GIPHY is promoting the new National Geographic documentary series “Hostile Planet”, which looks at the animals making their home among different environments such as the oceans and mountain ranges. Among the stars of this expert insight into the wildlife of the African plains are these feisty baboons.

Credits: National Geographic via National Geographic Channel and GIPHY

Little orbits



A small non-descript moon encircled by its own ceaseless chains of ball bearings… the planet of keychains if you will.

Credits: Troy 6396 and The Boneyard via GifCities and Internet Archive