Falling glitter


“When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day.” – Ella Woodward

Credits: Lemat works and Tumblr via Vi, A and Pinterest, BrainyQuotes

SoftBank is taking over tech 💸


In 1981, Masayoshi Son founded SoftBank Group, and by the peak of the dot-com bubble, his net worth was surging by billions a week. He’d become one of the earliest investors in Yahoo, bet $20 million on Alibaba, and invested in about 800 other startups at the time. Today, he’s still Japan’s richest man.

Credits: AngelList via Outlook

Erupt volcano, vanquish boredom



I was a bit bored so watched YouTube videos of volcanic eruptions and movie disaster scenes. I like me a bit of geological action.

Credits: Mrs. Bory’s Earth Science/Physical Science Web site via GifCities and Internet Archive

Whatever comes from you

As autumn makes its presence felt, this GIF resonated with me a lot. Hundreds of golden-light maple leaves cascade from a dark sky in a captivating shower, like little specks of gold leaf.

This GIF was featured on the post Whatever comes from you is pleasing to me, Whether you make me cry or laugh, Whether you make me live or die…/…Hoştur bana senden gelen. İster ağlat, ister güldür, İster yaşat, ister öldür…. The post was written by a blogging friend, Semra Polat, who is behind the multilingual spiritual blog “YA BAKİ ENTEL BAKİ”

Credits: Semra Polat and YA BAKİ ENTEL BAKİ