RIP Grumpy Cat



In memory of the great Grumpy Cat, a.k.a. Tardar Sauce, who died last week aged seven. Her grumpy looks and scowling face inspired a revolutionary chain of memes and she ended up banking a cool USD $1 million.

Credits: Real Grumpy Cat and YouTube GB via Internet Cat Video Festival and GIPHY

Rise and shine, it’s Tuesday


I don’t want to get up. I had to though. I have a mountain of GES data to upload and format at work.

Credits: Craig McCracken/Cartoon Network via Pink Lips. Blue Jeans. Wild Hearts., Tumblr and GIPHY

Needing the sleeping


Oh, it’s Monday again. I really could have used some more sleep. The early morning cold just reinforces that notion.

Credits: Warner Bros. via , imgur and GIPHY

Kim’s inconveniences


When it’s closing time and the very last customer is taking forever to pull out the change for a pack of chewing gum…. here’s a penny, oh look a 5p…. :/

Credits: Kim’s Convenience and GIPHY

On the cusp of a siesta



Yes, do you mind, need my ‘forty winks’ here!

Credits: Warner Bros via Warner Archive and GIPHY

Tired means good night


“A dog is so often the answer — when you’re lonely and need company, or when you’re tired of company and need lonely.” ~Robert Brault

Credits: Upworthy and Facebook via Badass BK and GIPHYThe Quote Garden ™