Portal of the Grudge



The vortex that will take you to the well of that unholy long-haired demon, Naoko.

Credits: howbehindwow, One Bad Apple, Gifsdomi and Tumblr via arouvi, Gifs and Pinterest

Me hundo hasta el fondo y me elevo hasta la cima



And then I rise to the tops of the clouds, to spark lightning and dance with hailstones.

Credits: nuggetsonmymouth and Tumblr via Sonia Harel, Gif and Pinterest

Tension outside


When your pedantic manager gives you hassle over all sorts of silly things, and you want to escape outside, but it’s just as bad out there.

Credits: Rachel Thomasin and Tumblr via Epitaph, Lenin, 🌊 Vaporwave/Pixel/Retro/8-bit/psychedelic/Gifs 🌊 and Google+