The Umbrella Revolution



In 2014, Hong Kong saw protests against the downgrading of democracy in the Chinese-ruled territory. Many protesters came with yellow umbrellas which soon became a symbol of their agitation.

Credits: Carl Burton, ////////// and Tumblr via Britt Bailey, Haven: Environment and Pinterest

Mr Shah, would you like 2.9% interest on new purchases?


The nights may be drawing in Mr Shah, but there’s still plenty to enjoy this autumn. Whether you’re looking forward to some evenings out or a few days away, you can stay in control of your finances with a new low interest rate.

Credits: Lloyds Bank via Outlook

Ain’t gonna happen


When you’re out clubbing and you ask your lazy mate to go get you another drink.

Credits: Conceited, Jesse Jamez, DarkBritKid, YouTube GB via Identity and Giphy