From death, springs life


Fetid waters carry the dead downstream, but walking in the mud, the dead one carries life.

Credits: nature in color and Tumblr via Bahram Khagani, Color Splash, Animations, Animated Gif, and Google+, Path of Exile Wiki and Gamepedia



That overwhelming sense of relief and euphoria that rushes drunkenly over you when you’ve spend a whole day in the office just having stuff thrown into your to-do pile from practically everywhere, and you finally get it all done.

Credits: Fluffy Friends and YouTube GB via Fluffy Friends and GIPHY

Drain of impurity


Right now we have a ‘drain of impurity’ causing a little havoc in the conservatory/washing machine area between our kitchen and back garden. It’s blocked and the back is flooded with soapy looking water. It doesn’t have a ‘putrid rotting smell’ or the stench of necropsy though. My housemate’s dealing with it.

Credits: DRAIN OF IMPURITY and Spitted Aorta Productions via GifCities and Internet Archive

Winter’s guarded candle


‘Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness.’ – Anne Frank

Credits: bleakfalls (Death Or Sovngarde) and Tumblr via Ana Batista., LOVELY GIFS✿*ڰۣ*Google+ and GMail

He won’t stay down


A bit of gallows humour…a funeral procession in Indonesia has an unexpected accident. I daren’t laugh.

Credits: via  ހℓحـﮩﮩﮨـل ﭭـيـﮯ נنـﮩﮩﮨـيـا ℓلـ๐ـﮩﮩﮩـހℓ, Gifs Lovers and Google+

Vijay’s classic GIFs 2007-2011 – 6


Super Mario, the Italian plumber who has a love of gold rings, dinosaurs and rescuing abducted minor royalty, meets his match in a rather humble, but ruthlessly efficient ninja assassin. Another gem from my classic GIFs collection.

Contains cartoon violence and gore. I love Mario really.

GIF: snakevsmarioaj6os3ai8                                                                         DATE: 01/05/2007

Credits: From the author’s personal GIFs collection