End it?



A man in an Arab country stands on a building ledge, contemplating committing suicide. Bystanders and emergency services wait below next to a safety inflatable intended to catch the man should he jump. Meanwhile, a lone firefighter aims a quick kick to the would-be jumper’s back, sending him on a plummet to safety below. A tragedy averted. Captured on CCTV.

If you feel in a similar situation, please seek help or speak with The Samaritans.

Credits: GIPHY via Gifng, Alexander Smith, Gifng and Facebook

Grenfell Tower tragedy


In the worst residential housing fire in living memory, Grenfell Tower, an apartment block in Kensington, London, was inundated with fire a few days ago. Already 17 people have lost their lives, and an entire community has rallied around to help those who have lost loved ones, homes and everything they have ever known.

Gifville and myself salutes the firefighters, emergency services, and community members who faced tragedy and death to rescue and aid Grenfell Tower residents. This shows how London always pulls together in the darkest hours.

If you wish to donate to those affected, please search “Grenfell Tower charity appeal” or similar in your web browser to find out ways you can help.

Credits: Ruptly via imgur