Falling glitter


“When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day.” – Ella Woodward

Credits: Lemat works and Tumblr via Vi, A and Pinterest, BrainyQuotes

Light electric rains expected


What happens when the alternate cyberverse featured in the two Tron films gets a really bad lightning storm.

Credits: Gustavo Torres and Kidmograph via DRIVE RADIO, Signalnoise, UzicopterTumblrPenrose ConjectureGiff and Pinterest

Cyber City Oedo 808


Cyber City Oedo 808 is a 1990-1991 cyberpunk original video animation. It was directed by Yoshiaki Kawajiri. Set in the year 2808 in the city of Oedo (Tokyo), three criminals are hired to help the Cyber Police keep tabs on the city’s delinquents, but soon they must face a choice.

Credits: Yoshiaki Kawajiri via bigweekend (peer-inward.com), Tumblr, Josh Carey, Somewhere Else and Pinterest




A scene from a new and in-progress point-and-click adventure game, VirtuaVerse, being produced by Theta Division. As the game’s developers describe it: “A Cyberpunk adventure narrating tales of technomancers, augmented reality graffiti, epic cyberwars and virtual reality debauchery in a future not so far away.”

Credits: Valenberg and Tumblr via ex8614蒸気 and Pinterest, VirtuaVerse and Twitter