Vijay, dive in and celebrate summer


Ironically, it is in summer, especially when it’s really hot, that my appetite sometimes takes a hit. I mean, when the thermometer is a tall red line, close to bursting, it’s just too stuffy to really eat a meal. Dinner becomes a mere side salad above a snack. GIF from a Sainsbury’s supermarket email, sent earlier this July.

Credits: Sainsbury’s via Outlook



I’ve attended a few BBQs in my time. One at my family’s house took ages to set up but the kebabs and burgers were awesome. Another, at a Stratford houseshare I lived in, descended into disaster after two of the guests got drunk and started fighting. Sometimes I think it is marginally safer to visit a Turkish grill place instead. But sunshine!

Credits: weisert7 via GifCities and Internet Archive