More props for Caleida 3



I’m presuming this is the teleporter thingamyjig?

Credits: 30th Century Man Gun Enthusiast and Tumblr via Doritos VegasInspiration and Pinterest

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Only joking. Our GIFs will always be free.

Credits: RHR Brochure & Online Mall via GifCities and Internet Archive



Combined with a ‘sick’ sound system, this piece of musical hardware is guaranteed to make your walls shake. Available from the Music Shack, High Street, Gifville. Home delivery provided, so it’s so blooming big.

Credits: Mohammad Fathi and Dancers and DJs Corner via GifCities and Internet Archive

The backwards thief



I’m not sure what this thief was trying to achieve here by walking backwards. Maybe it’s to confuse the CCTV operator. The ending of this GIF is very funny though.

Credits: GifsBoom via GifGifMagazine, Moe Aung, GIFs Community and Facebook




A scene from a new and in-progress point-and-click adventure game, VirtuaVerse, being produced by Theta Division. As the game’s developers describe it: “A Cyberpunk adventure narrating tales of technomancers, augmented reality graffiti, epic cyberwars and virtual reality debauchery in a future not so far away.”

Credits: Valenberg and Tumblr via ex8614蒸気 and Pinterest, VirtuaVerse and Twitter

Thanks for staying with us – EE



This GIF is from my mobile phone providers EE, aka Everything Everywhere. They were created from a merger between T-Mobile UK and Orange. I recently upgraded my phone from a Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini to a Sony Xperia Z3 Compact with them.

This came from an email thanking me for staying with them and offering me a 20% discount on such goods as moto watches and Beats by Dr. Dre headphones.

Sounds interesting….

Credit: EE