Vijay, settle up and keep Santa sweet!


Saint Nick knows if you’ve been bad or good so settle up for free* in
a flash this Christmas with our app.

Whether you owe Mum for Nan’s new nightie or your bessie
mate for that 3AM sleigh ride home, we’ve got you covered.

You’ll be sending money swifter than Santa scoffs a mince pie.

Credits: PayPal via Outlook

An exclusive PayPal offer on your eBay buys, Vijay


Hello Vijay Shah,

Checking out at eBay? Check out this. Grab a 0% interest offer on your eBay buys with PayPal Credit and spread the cost of any baskets, of £99 and above, for up to 12 months. Best get a wiggle on though, this offer won’t hang around, it ends on 21.10.18!

Credits: PayPal via Outlook

Usain Bolt’s ultimate ride


Congrats to Usain Bolt of Jamaica, the world’s fastest man, who clocked up 9.81 seconds in the men’s 100m finals at the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. This GIF comes courtesy of a Facebook competition by PayPal to win pizza from Papa John’s takeaway in the UK. I suppose the racing car is for when Bolt needs to rest his legs!

Credits: FORTHEW!N (USA Today Sports) via Giphy and PayPal Facebook page